Friday, February 29, 2008
i have heard much about the whole "it's not delivery, it's digiorno!" craze for several years now, but have managed to avoid actually trying them until tonight. besides burning a layer of skin off of the roof of my mouth in my eagerness to eat, the experience was a good one - i went with a supreme personal-sized digiorno pizza. i did go ahead and pick off the black olives. but it's all about the crust with this pizza, and it did not disappoint. i have been inducted into the club. wahoo. see how exciting my life is?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Something New
i get to sleep in tomorrow. to say i am looking forward to this is an overwhelming understatement. i'm exhausted. i have, however, managed to prop my eyes open until now to finally catch the project runway this week. now that this is wrapping up and everyone is saying how thankful they are for the experience and how much they look forward to showing at bryant park and how p.s., this experience was amazing, it is time for sleepytime. peace out.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Feeling the Recession
it is amazing how much you can feel the recession working two retail jobs. it is slower than slow at both, to the point that i feel like all that i accomplished today was standing around on top of standing around. sales have been dismal at both. it is interesting to see that it is affecting both small-scale specialty stores like my day job, and major home decor retailers like my evening/weekend job. scary times when people can't just go out on a whim and get a montego mahogany dining table for a couple grand. sad.
Monday, February 25, 2008
An Ode
after passing a sidewalk guitar player out in the cold, he went in the bookstore, bought a hot chocolate from the cafe, and gave it to the chilled man with a handshake and a smile.
he yells at me to "not touch that door!!" so that he can open it for me.
offering his arm, he guides me to my car door over the ice - aware of my wobbliness in heels on the uneven ground.
he enjoys our indian dinner out so much, he proclaims that he will write them a letter of appreciation and cc the food section of the kansas city star.
he bends his head to consult with me over the crosswords, asking for help even when he doesn't really need it; we work on them together over brunch, quietly being together before subsequently enjoying a trip through a bookstore.
i miss him.
he yells at me to "not touch that door!!" so that he can open it for me.
offering his arm, he guides me to my car door over the ice - aware of my wobbliness in heels on the uneven ground.
he enjoys our indian dinner out so much, he proclaims that he will write them a letter of appreciation and cc the food section of the kansas city star.
he bends his head to consult with me over the crosswords, asking for help even when he doesn't really need it; we work on them together over brunch, quietly being together before subsequently enjoying a trip through a bookstore.
i miss him.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Chip Chop
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
i cannot stand book jackets. as long as it is my book, i generally take them off for the duration of the read, only making use of them as bookmarks. sorry waste of paper, i think.
hypothesis: i have a strong suspicion that air is somehow escaping my right eye. proof: whenever i put my sunglasses on in the car, only my right lens fogs up. obvious conclusion: i have a small perforation somewhere in my eye socket that lets air out. more disturbing question - if i held my breath and was quiet for long enough, would it whistle?
i have proof positive that i can indeed be starstruck. today john lithgow
came into the museum store, and after basically saying, "hello, nice to see you!" and having him say the same back, i immediately called my boyfriend and my mom and just now changed my facebook status to reflect my having met him. i thought i was cool, only to find out i was lame.
my feet are permanently freezing unless wedged securely under pete. this may be a tactic to be close to him that my body has contrived completely independent of my brain, or i have little to no circulation. you may take bets.
hypothesis: i have a strong suspicion that air is somehow escaping my right eye. proof: whenever i put my sunglasses on in the car, only my right lens fogs up. obvious conclusion: i have a small perforation somewhere in my eye socket that lets air out. more disturbing question - if i held my breath and was quiet for long enough, would it whistle?
i have proof positive that i can indeed be starstruck. today john lithgow
my feet are permanently freezing unless wedged securely under pete. this may be a tactic to be close to him that my body has contrived completely independent of my brain, or i have little to no circulation. you may take bets.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How To Waste a Night
i somehow consistently manage to blow an entire evening. i get off of work at 5, eat dinner, and then all of a sudden it is 11 pm. i believe that i watch some crappy tv in there, maybe get a glass of apple juice, pet the cats, play many, many scrabulous moves, look at a jillion websites, and then, as i said, it is 11 pm. it is both disconcerting and rather frightening how many hours i have spent completely doing nothing. my bed is comfortable, thank god, seeing how i spend about 7 waking and 7 sleeping hours in it a day...i am so lazy. someone institute a workout program on me. stat.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
So Done With This
this winter has been the nasty nastiest winter in kc in a long while, at least as far as i am concerned. we've been getting snow/ice/freezing rain/sleet about once a week for months now and i'm pretty well over it. i'm currently seeking a winter home in the cayman islands or perhaps elba. i have no money to pay for this home, so i am looking for a financial sponsor. also, if you have a plane to transport me to and fro, that would be great. i am willing to provide you with art historical knowledge, read books for you, and get a tan on your behalf. once i've received a few offers of places i'll go ahead and make a decision and let you all know where i'll be next winter. stay tuned.
Friday, February 15, 2008
On the Second Day of Valentine's My True Love Gave to Meeee...
pete decided that, on top of the lovely sexy chat you see below, he would send me two days of presents for valentine's. i kind of did the same...on his day one he got some books and dark chocolate, and on his day two he got six chocolate covered strawberries. consequently i made him gain 3 pounds, but he loved it. but for my day one (actual valentine's, whereas his day one was back on tuesday) i got a dozen light pink roses
mixed with baby's breath. totally gorgeous, and the by far most fragrant flowers i've ever gotten. then, on day two (if you're keeping up with this, that was today), i came home to a nice small package from fedex. tore it open, opened another little box, opened a plastic bag, and found a gorgeous silver necklace wrapped up inside for me.
totally gorgeous, i'm wearing it to work tomorrow. he may be rather strange with his sexy chats, but the man knows how to spoil a girl - he has now picked out four pieces of jewelry for me, each one of which has been an out-of-the-park hit. if any man happens to read this blog, take note. this is how it's done.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's From the Reverend
Pete: we can sexy chat, then
me: oh sure
Pete: whee !
I slowly tickle the back of your knee....
me: that's an interesting start
Pete: ha
I do a color change on your toe nails..
burgundy red
me: nice....
Pete: then I slowly move up...and put your hair in pig tails.
me: i am your doll now?
Pete: I apply base, then rouge and lipstick.
then i ever so slowly... .put a watch on your wrist (ohhhh yeaa)
me: you are definitely nuts
Pete: ha
I gently stencil my name in Henna ink across your lower back.
too much?
fawn :(
me: no i like the henna
Pete: I then bend you over....and arrange various slices of oranges, apples, kiwis, and pineapple in a star pattern on your bare skin.
me: i think you need to get to the doctor sooner rather than later
Pete: I then take two bagels (one sun dried tomato, one wheat), slice them into bite size pieces, and rain them down upon us both.
me: sounds very breakfasty of us
Pete: a piece of cheesecake materializes....I put half the piece in your mouth...and the other I put aside for later.
Bringing forth a pack of Sour Patch Kids, I arrange a bonanza of flavors in your luxurious hair.
me: i'm going to publish this on my blog
Pete: Absorbed with passion, you tear my shirt clean off.....whereupon a turkey sandwich and a dill pickle slice (both of which I'd been saving for a late afternoon snack) pour out.
You delicately yet forcefully draw a smiley face in mustard on my chest, then accent it with a ketchup hairdo, reminiscent of Raggedy Andy. We chuckle about Raggedy Andy.
me: you're certifiable
Pete: I take two Jelly Belly jelly beans (both popcorn flavor, of course), and insert them your ears.
Then I sing the Canadian National Anthem, though you cannot hear and do not understand my marching about.
As my excitement builds, I tear into a box of Fire Roasted Garlic Triscuits and toss them, from a distance of seven feet, across the room at you....with every hit I shudder with lust.
You Scream my name aloud!! I....apologize for an errant triscuit toss into your right eye.
We then steamily embrace atop bagel pieces, turkey, dill pickle, sour patch kids, triscuits, the saved piece of cheesecake, ketchup, and mustard; we then launch into an A Capella version of Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer"
Both thoroughly spent, we dress in matching grey overcoats, oversized sunglasses, galoshes, and exit to play in the rain.
[The Fulfilling End]
Was it good for you?
me: wonderful
i'm really going to publish this
me: oh sure
Pete: whee !
I slowly tickle the back of your knee....
me: that's an interesting start
Pete: ha
I do a color change on your toe nails..
burgundy red
me: nice....
Pete: then I slowly move up...and put your hair in pig tails.
me: i am your doll now?
Pete: I apply base, then rouge and lipstick.
then i ever so slowly... .put a watch on your wrist (ohhhh yeaa)
me: you are definitely nuts
Pete: ha
I gently stencil my name in Henna ink across your lower back.
too much?
fawn :(
me: no i like the henna
Pete: I then bend you over....and arrange various slices of oranges, apples, kiwis, and pineapple in a star pattern on your bare skin.
me: i think you need to get to the doctor sooner rather than later
Pete: I then take two bagels (one sun dried tomato, one wheat), slice them into bite size pieces, and rain them down upon us both.
me: sounds very breakfasty of us
Pete: a piece of cheesecake materializes....I put half the piece in your mouth...and the other I put aside for later.
Bringing forth a pack of Sour Patch Kids, I arrange a bonanza of flavors in your luxurious hair.
me: i'm going to publish this on my blog
Pete: Absorbed with passion, you tear my shirt clean off.....whereupon a turkey sandwich and a dill pickle slice (both of which I'd been saving for a late afternoon snack) pour out.
You delicately yet forcefully draw a smiley face in mustard on my chest, then accent it with a ketchup hairdo, reminiscent of Raggedy Andy. We chuckle about Raggedy Andy.
me: you're certifiable
Pete: I take two Jelly Belly jelly beans (both popcorn flavor, of course), and insert them your ears.
Then I sing the Canadian National Anthem, though you cannot hear and do not understand my marching about.
As my excitement builds, I tear into a box of Fire Roasted Garlic Triscuits and toss them, from a distance of seven feet, across the room at you....with every hit I shudder with lust.
You Scream my name aloud!! I....apologize for an errant triscuit toss into your right eye.
We then steamily embrace atop bagel pieces, turkey, dill pickle, sour patch kids, triscuits, the saved piece of cheesecake, ketchup, and mustard; we then launch into an A Capella version of Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer"
Both thoroughly spent, we dress in matching grey overcoats, oversized sunglasses, galoshes, and exit to play in the rain.
[The Fulfilling End]
Was it good for you?
me: wonderful
i'm really going to publish this
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i think i am allergic to life. there cannot possibly be any allergies going around outside as the temperature is currently nipplefreezing frigid, so i don't know why i have dry, watery eyes and a stuffy nose (i am a benadryl commercial). people at work raised the possibility that it's all the dry indoor heating i'm currently experiencing everywhere i go, which is a distinct possibility, combined with dustiness. all i know is, it sucks. i am actually chafing the skin under my eyes from rubbing them so vigorously in their dry dryness as they water uncontrollably (riddle me how that works). anyway, this wraps up yet another post about my physical conditions, i know you're enthralled. let's just say that the things i would LIKE to write about are probably not the best things to write about (i would like to not be dooced, thanks), so i am taking the moral high road and whining. you're welcome.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Down Off
i didn't really mention this in all my description of the cleaning extravaganza yesterday, but my #2 job called and said because of the crummy weather i wasn't really needed, so i actually got a day off yesterday! HOOrah! and then, again because of the weather, i got the evening off again tonight! HOOOOOOrah! so while yesterday was spent being productive, tonight was spent eating breakfast for dinner at my sister's house, giving my niece her birthday presents a week late, and watching my nephew get a bath/trying to balance rubber duckies on his head.
now my hair smells like bacon, i have gained 67 pounds eating bacon, belgian waffles, and biscuits (what an alliterative dinner), and i left my niece with her new continents puzzle proclaiming that NORF AMERICA! IS WHERE WE LIVE! AMTARTICA! IS WHERE HAPPY FEET LIVES! SOUF AMERICA! wait what lives in souf america? ANACONDAS! THEY LIVE IN THE WATER! THIS IS RUROPE! AND THE BIG BLUE ONE! (asia) AUSTRALIA! I LIKE KOALAS! that should keep my sister and brother-in-law entertained for the next couple days.
Monday, February 11, 2008
So Shiny
in about two hours today i overhauled our gritty apartment. with all old, beat-up (but rich in character) wood flooring, grit just kind of is a permanent entity in the house. combine that with constant snow, ice, gravel, and salting outside, our floors were in pretty rough shape. after wiping down the kitchen and dusting the living room, i decided to go ahead and vaccuum the whole shebang. then, after getting that far, i figured i may as well go ahead and go the distance and pull out the murphy's. an hour later and two angry trapped cats staring at me sullenly from our sunroom and i had a freshly mopped apartment and room. it's so beautiful.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Miss Sixty
as of today, i have hit about sixty hours of work for the week (from last monday to this sunday). i actually feel ok after all of this besides some minor ailments: due to being in retail in both of my jobs, a lot of standing has been involved and therefore a sore back and tense shoulders have come in to play. earlier in the week i got shin splints, which are not so much fun. and i'm just kind of tired. but i'm not done yet. starting tomorrow til next sunday, i'll be working about fifty more hours before my next day off (next sunday). send me positive vibes. and maybe some more supportive shoes. or a chair.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
as per usual, nothing exciting is currently occurring here.
i found out my next day off is two sundays from now thanks to my two jobs. this alternately sucks and rocks, or at least will rock in the future when i receive my respective checks. right now it just kind of sucks in the man, i'm tired kind of way.
i am in the midst of the cider house rules and a book at work that just came in called vermeer's hat. both very enthralling in their own ways. i've managed to read for four hours tonight without really realizing it.
i love my throw pillows. they provide just the right amount of propping to keep my limbs from falling asleep in all of the awkward positions i end up reading in when in bed. to be truly, ideally comfortable, though, i need a chaise lounge. i will send you my address should you care to send one my way. please include nice reading lamp.
nothing provides better reading ambiance than some strong womens' voices: amy winehouse, sara bareilles, and feist are currently on a loop over here.
back to the book.
i found out my next day off is two sundays from now thanks to my two jobs. this alternately sucks and rocks, or at least will rock in the future when i receive my respective checks. right now it just kind of sucks in the man, i'm tired kind of way.
i am in the midst of the cider house rules and a book at work that just came in called vermeer's hat. both very enthralling in their own ways. i've managed to read for four hours tonight without really realizing it.
i love my throw pillows. they provide just the right amount of propping to keep my limbs from falling asleep in all of the awkward positions i end up reading in when in bed. to be truly, ideally comfortable, though, i need a chaise lounge. i will send you my address should you care to send one my way. please include nice reading lamp.
nothing provides better reading ambiance than some strong womens' voices: amy winehouse, sara bareilles, and feist are currently on a loop over here.
back to the book.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Highlight of My Day
giving myself a manicure was the apex of my day today. also that i just worked the word apex into a sentence. what this says about my day, i will leave you to deduce.
Shake it like a Polaroid Picture
i left work today jonesing for something specific. it was a food item, of course, and was something that would make my forecasted dinner of leftover chicken tikka masala just right: naan. i could eat approximately 27 orders of naan on my own given both the chance and some tikka masala sauce to dip it in. it is quite possibly what the greeks spoke of as food for the gods, supposing some little indian man made his way down the future silk road and cooked them some real food in celebration (he had had enough of olives). anyway, i made my way to the indian restaurant located about 4 blocks from my house and waited on some naan to go. i rediscovered why i love this place when they brought me an espresso-sized mug of chai to wait with - their chai is the best around and always a good compliment to the spicy food. the only unfortunate problem with this chai is that it registered about 300 degrees fahrenheit on my tongue. i didn't have to wait long, and wanted to cool it, so of course i did what we've all been taught to do since childhood: i blew on it. then i got to thinking. does blowing on hot liquid actually work to cool it, or is it just a time killer in much the same way shaking a polaroid picture gets you nowhere fast but passes the time til the image develops? i spent a long, hard night researching this (ok actually i just googled my question and clicked on the first link), but all i can find is that air passing over liquid increases the rate of evaporation. does evaporation necessarily determine the temperature of a beverage? does my questioning all of this necessarily determine my inherent levels of nerdiness? possibly, to both.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
the reverend writes like it's nobody's bidness. go tell him to enter a contest with this post. he doesn't really need a bigger ego, but i do what i can to pump it up.
Monday, February 4, 2008
for anyone working in the retail world, the word strikes fear in your very soul. i had inventory today from 6 am til 5 pm at the major home decor retailer that provides me my second income, and it was rough. it could have been worse, i suppose, had not all of the merchandise been scan-able. we were all armed with scanner guns,
and swarmed over the stockroom and store like little ants to try to scan every last item of merchandise. by the time i left at 5, we had about 98% of the merchandise scanned initially, but the auditing of our counts was only at about 10%. i was definitely ready to be done by the time i left - i had done my portion of the duties by doing some of the more painful tasks (read: ornament table). now i'm sore, have a semi-permanent red spot on the knuckle of my right thumb where my scan gun rested all day, and hope to never have to go through stacks upon stacks upon stacks of heavy ceramic plates again. i may possibly go into seizures if i even see a huge stack of plates at this point in the game. not to mention, the lamest part of the whole thing, i missed a 65 degree day from start to finish. tomorrow it's going to snow and rain all day. way to go, inventory.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I've Found My Drink
i feel like everyone has a signature drink they get when they're out. something their friends can predict and pre-order for them, something they might get teased for always having but order anyway. and i've found mine: amaretto sours. they are the best of both worlds, with the sweet and the sour flavors. they go down easily, don't upset my stomach (through trial and error i have discovered that vodka and my stomach, for instance, are not so much friends), and often come with pretty accoutrements like sliced oranges or cherries. so if we ever go out to a bar together, order me this:
(not necessarily two, but that might end up happening.)
Friday, February 1, 2008
several times now i have written my posts during one of my nightly rituals: wearing my nightly face mask. i have to let it dry on my face for ten to fifteen minutes, and it should be obvious that that's about all the time i take to write each post. it makes my face smooth and redness free (briefly). there is just one thing about this face mask that bothers me a little...its smell. the active ingredient in it is, of all things, sulfur. works like a charm for what it should do, but once you get some sulfur near your nostrils, that's all you smell. plus (and this would go for any face mask, really) i kind of almost gag when things dry on me, like if mud dries on my hands, so every night i force myself not to dry heave when it gets dry on my face and i get all tight and crinkly and gagggggggggggggggg i need to go wash this off kbye.
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