alright, so for our second day and third night in the STL. we actually woke up early again - we had a 10:30 am reservation for easter brunch, so we had to be showered and dressed up and all that good stuff in time to make it there. our reservation was at the eau bistro at the chase park plaza hotel, and man...we had no idea what we were in for. first of all, we woke up to snow.
we sat down and were offered mimosas, which we jumped on, and coffee. shown the buffet, pete and i started going through the line: eggs benedict, hot pasta, french toast, bacon & sausage, then hand-carved prime rib & lamb, an omelet bar, fresh fruit, roasted cold vegetables, prosciutto, salami, cold pasta salads, duck, oysters, shrimp, crab leg, rolls & bagels & danishes, muffins, and i'm probably forgetting something. we filled a plate, then another plate, had a mimosa, then another mimosa, then a half a mimosa that was topped off with straight champagne. finally, we hit up the dessert annex to the space, getting fresh tiramisu, cold chocolate mousse, the richest chocolate brownie i've ever had, a fruit tart, and possibly more. we must've gained 10 pounds in one meal.
we staggered out, me certifiably tipsy, and drove a couple of blocks to the art museum. we found ourselves unable to immediately leave the car, we were so full, buzzed, sleepy, and content.
next we drove home and changed into notsofancy clothes, poked around online for an idea of something to do, and decided to go play pool. we got there, and i went on to kick booty. his booty, namely. i believe i will go on record to say that i won six out of seven games. woo! i'm now taking names for students, i will teach you all my skills. leaving the pool hall i decided that my windshield wiper blades
we wrapped up our nice sleepy easter with dinner at TGIFridays and a drink at their bar. all in all yet another successful day, only tempered by the knowledge that we would have to once again leave each other the next day. maybe, though, that sort of situation will come to an end, eventually...
I don't curse that much.
But even if I do, it's healthier to vent one's frustration than to bottle it up inside and suffer an aneurysm.
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