after much slightly inebriated confusion, we finally got everyone loaded into the van and rolled out. after more inebriated confusion, we selected a casino in tunica to actually go to. forty minutes and we were one happy group sprinting into a casino with one objective: bathrooms.

three a.m. arrived and it was time for the ride back to memphis. generously, we tipped our increasingly patient driver with a cheeseburger and fries. we didn't get home til four. on top of The Mono, cooking all day, partying all night, and coming home to a freezing house, the late hour knocked me for quite a loop. i was out until literally 4 p.m. the next day, awake off and on with waves of general illness. it was worth it, though, since the party went over hugely and everyone had a blast. you always know a party's a success when you wake up to pee the next morning and walk through a living room littered with happily snoozing bodies, food remnants, many beer cans, and later, people pulling out the refrigerated remains to revisit the snacks of the day. the rev certainly turned 24 (74? 91?) with a bang!
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