Monday, October 15, 2007


so i have been paying left and right for internet lately, and it is officially uncool of hotels rhyming with larriot to charge for the internet. i only paid long enough to check my email and facebook, at the demands of some people.

so now i can finally sum up my weekend back in boston, quickly as the starbucks i am in for internet tonight (more on that later) is closing in 20 minutes. i flew back into boston friday morning for an alumnae leadership conference at wellesley, and the flight went awesomely well thanks to just half of one of my new favorite pills. got picked up and taken to my hotel, where my roommate was a fellow '06er who lived on my hall second year. i proceeded to take a nap.

then began the Wellesley Events and Socializing Extravaganza. first was a big dinner where we schmoozed and open bar boozed with everyone from classes from the '40s til we young '06ers. they fed us well, they speeched at us, it was nice. the next day was booked solid from 6:30 am until 9:00 pm, giving us pretty much no time to breathe. we had seminars on how to better our local wellesley club chapters, and finally a big banquet where i got to hear the new president speak. i can't decide what i think of her yet. i'll give her time.

next day was off to the campus at the crack of dawn again, where i wandered and sat and spent more money at the bookstore until 12:30. i also may or may not have taken approximately 70 pictures. then lunch with my boss from wellesley, franny, her niece, my friend ayako, and my hotel roommate, emily at shanghai tokyo, a favorite place to order from in college. i lived on their steamed dumplings for a while there.

i flew back in last night and used a whole one of my pills and spent the flight in blissful drowsiness. i even tried to muster panic at the bumpiness and it was there somewhere down deep but didn't feel like surfacing. fine by me.

ok so now there's no power at my apartment for various reasons (there will be tomorrow morning), so i'm off to read and shower by candlelight. romantical.

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