Wednesday, October 3, 2007

To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo

every day i reconsider getting a tattoo. i've got the spot all picked out: the inside of my left wrist. i kind of want it in white ink, if i can talk a tattoo artist into it. it's kind of like getting a baby tattoo - a tattoo hardly anyone would even see. and i've narrowed it down to two sayings: col tempo (which obviously has meaning for me already), or drishta dharma sukha viharin (a sort of summary of the third noble truth of buddhism, meaning dwelling happily in things as they are). i guess both sayings are my ways of telling me to chill the f out sometimes, and remember that the bad times will pass, or that i need to better seize the good times since they are often fleeting. i feel like either of them would have a continuing relevance in my life. but then i remember that i will be 50 someday. and what will i think of a white tattoo on my wrist? who knows. what i thought was super hella cool 10 years ago is pretty much way not cool now. but the other part of me says that by the time i decide i don't want my barely visible tattoo, the technology to get rid of it will be cheap and probably commercialized. maybe i can get a starbucks and blast a tattoo all at once! that'd be awesome. so the vacillation continues. one negative point: lindsay lohan has a white tattoo on the inside of her left wrist. add that to the way not cool side.

1 comment:

The Rev. said...

Don't ever do anything Lindsey Lohan has done. Ever. Looks like you've gotta find another spot for the ill tat-