Sunday, September 9, 2007

In & Out & In & Out

i'm still awake, it counts.

today was a long and busy day. because i went to bed at the way cool time of 10:45 last night, i woke up at the equally cool time of 8:45 this morning. i was productive and went to lowe's to get some shelving for our kitchen, and then unpacked what was left of my junk in the kitchen. then i went to old settler's out in olathe, then back to midtown where my DRESSER ARRIVED YAYYYYYYYYY, then out to downtown kc for the greatest show on earth. i forgot how cheesy the circus can be, but it's still fun. after that it was back to my place to show it off to some family friends, then out to dinner where my roommate works, then back to my place to unpack into my new dresser from my luggage (can we say finally? finally.), then out driving to the plaza and back in jen's new car. THEN i finally stayed put and did laundry and finished pretty much all unpacking (except putting up my curtains which is proving to be more of a challenge than previously realized since my wall appears to be made of something the consistency of cement). then i was on the phone. for like...2.5 hours. addiction is bad...but not that bad.

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