Friday, September 7, 2007

Make It a Double

i had my first normal-sized but doubly espressoed starbucks coffee this morning. and after about, oh, three sips i was wired. my whole brain still was in asleep mode under my blankets in a warm dark place but i was up and walking and fidgeting and twitching with caffeine. i sipped on that coffee for the rest of the day to give me little spurts of energy, but by the end of the day i was rubbing my eyes like a 2 year old needing a nap. i remember days in high school when i stayed up til 3, 4, 5 am and woke up at 6:30 for school and did just fine. i think i used to be part robot. now 2 am and the next day i am pretty much needing someone to come physically pick me up out of bed and carry me to coffee. maybe i should move my senseo to my bedside table...

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